回复 :今年卓别林亚洲电影人士艺术成就大奖的获得者是田壮壮导演,作为第五代导演的代表人物之一,跟其他的大导演相比,壮壮导演身上总是蒙有一层神秘的滤镜,或许是因为他的作品,或许是因为他的经历。今天,我们请他亲自来讲述,他和电影的故事。
回复 :Posing as a foppish coward, Diego, a Spanish nobleman, fights injustice in colonial California. Upon his return from Spain, Diego realizes that Captain Pasquale is terrorizing the district and levying unreasonable taxes. Disguised as Zorro - a masked Robin Hood-like swashbuckler - the young Spaniard menaces the local authorities to the delight of all the peasants. In the meantime, posing as the inept fop, he is able to move through society without being suspected.
回复 :Jeppe和Cecilie在高中新学期开始的时候认识对方并且迅速的相爱了,但是生活却不像Jeppe想的那样顺利。Cecilie患有癌症,因此性格喜怒无常,不喜欢与人亲近,在Jeppe的善良和理解下,Cecilie逐渐变得开朗,决定让接下来的每一天都过得有意义。