克基Two teen rival babysitters Jenny and Luci, team up to hunt down one of their kids who accidentally run away into the big city without any supervision.
克基Two teen rival babysitters Jenny and Luci, team up to hunt down one of their kids who accidentally run away into the big city without any supervision.
回复 :中国商人张拥有传说中的亚历克斯钻石,二战期间从俄罗斯被盗。他打算在庆功宴上把钻石还给俄罗斯,但这颗钻石被凯恩偷走了,并得到了他致命而诱人的搭档布鲁斯蒂尔的协助。负责活动安全的机构全力以赴,试图找回这颗钻石。枪战,爆炸,诱惑,致命的遥控直升机,以及大混乱接踵而至。
回复 :A tragic comedy about a well-intentioned father who inadvertently wreaks havoc on the life of his estranged daughter.
回复 :鄧光榮與俞琤二人欠下高利貸, 被債主手下追捕, 二人因身手敏捷被債主賞識僱用為助手; 但第一天工作便得罪老闆被解僱. 為了解決債務問題, 鄧和俞二人合作做老千, 最初只是騙取數百元的小數目, 後愈做愈大, 二人在沙頭角開設假投注站, 靠騙取村民投注賺錢, 但投注站一方面受到經營外圍馬的村民搗亂, 另一方面因賽事爆冷, 投注站要派彩大額獎金......