久久Director Jeanie Finlay charts a transgender man's path to parenthood after he decides to carry his child himself. The pregnancy prompts an unexpected and profound reckoning with conventions of masculinity, self-definition and biology.
久久Director Jeanie Finlay charts a transgender man's path to parenthood after he decides to carry his child himself. The pregnancy prompts an unexpected and profound reckoning with conventions of masculinity, self-definition and biology.
回复 :"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet at college, they are at that formative age when seemingly mundane choices lead the way to irrevocable consequences. Although their relationship begins like any typical campus romance, they quickly fall into an addictive entanglement that will permanently alter not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them.
回复 :本輯實況劇分為「半個爸爸」、「十月之後」及「安枕無憂」三個故事。「半個爸爸」故事中,亮妻剛生小孩,在坐月期間已決定不再生仔,亮妻對坐月諸多限制甚為不滿。亮兄(江譽聖飾)沒有生育,其實亮兄妻想生,但亮兄不想生,每每逃避生育,甚至與妻分床睡。亮兄不是不想生,但有心無力,想生卻生不出來。亮兄結果去搞人工授孕。「十月之後」中女主角由於對生育十分恐懼,壓力太大,差點患上「產後精神分裂」。「安枕無憂」中主角梁偉彪(周志輝飾)與妻(羅冠蘭飾)生了多個小孩後,決定去結紮,最初面對很大心理壓力,後來剋服心理障礙結紮成功。
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