回复 :This film is an extremely entertaining psychological thriller with Carrol Baker excellent as a rich American widow getting away from it all at a secluded Italian villa. Enter smart aleck down on his luck playboy, Lou Castel, who has some golddigging motives behind his slick hipster seduction techniques and has no qualms about how he gets what he wants. He encourages Baker's character's incipient alcoholism and dubious self-esteem, brings in his supposed 'sister' to help drag Baker even further into a maze of sick mind games, drug addiction and group sex, all culminating in a descent into near-madness and self-destructive depravity.I won't give away anymore, suffice to say that the film delivers on its swinging sixties, Euro sleaze ambience and psychological suspense thriller credentials in spades. Director Umberto Lenzi's work has been, at best, uneven and he's churned out his share of crap. However, he made some quite good giallos and crime pictures in the sixties and seventies and this is one of them (other good films by Lenzi -- SPASMO, SEVEN BLOODSTAINED ORCHIDS, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, to name only a few).Unfortunately this film is ofen confused with another okay but not-quite-as-good Lenzi film that was also released briefly here in America under the same PARANOIA title (but is more commonly known, especially on video, as A QUIET PLACE TO KILL).
回复 :十八年前,宅心仁厚的宁都城少城主返乡途中惨遭不明来历的人杀害,手下护卫泽兰、白清以及其儿子墨京下落不明,此事成了江湖悬案。十八年后,病危的老城主一则寻找遗失孙子的告示又打破了大漠的平静。号称黑水“全城通”的京墨,生性顽皮,看似玩世不恭,但心思缜密,心地善良,以寻人探秘为生。时常救济一些孤儿和落魄的江湖人士。京墨无意中露出了母亲的金牌,没想到这引来了一波一波的江湖杀手。京墨在养母白清的帮助下与姐姐秋儿踏上去宁都城的寻祖之路,也是逃亡之路。与路途中结识的天龙客栈老板泽兰、思语在大漠上演了一段惊心动魄的旅程。
回复 :某疯狂科学家(乔宏 饰)因儿子感染艾滋病死亡而精神失常,他命令助手四处绑架同性恋者带到私人货柜船龙宝号上进行活体实验。警局督察长发叔(曹达华 饰)先后派人数次登船搜集证据,最后皆以失败告终。在夜总会演杂耍的石罅米(石天 饰)自幼研习武功,成年后进入特种大队,却因被指控有虐待倾向而离开警队,永不叙用。如今他独自抚养三个孩子,生活倒也快乐。某晚演出时,他和好友老虎仔(林振康 饰)目睹并插手一起绑架事件。由此将麻烦引到自己身上,而另一方面,发叔发现石罅米和一与疯狂科学家有勾结的日本人容貌相似,遂拟定了一个计划……