回复 :《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚4》由“小月归来”、“拉大旗做虎皮”、“笔谈奇案”、“人在草木中”和“忠义祠”五个单元故事组成。围绕秉公执法的睿智才子纪晓岚(张国立饰)、打造“康乾盛世”的一代君主乾隆(张铁林饰)和唯利是图、贪赃枉法的和珅(王刚饰),君臣三人再次上演一幕幕令人忍俊不禁却发人深省的人间悲喜剧。由“铁三角”张铁林、张国立、王刚主演的系列电视剧《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》,至2009年已发行四部。作为该系列电视剧的第四部,本剧集不仅有剧中扮演杜小月的袁立回归,还有香港女星杨千嬅、著名笑星闫妮和著名节目主持人刘仪伟等众多影视剧明星亲情加盟。
回复 :杨过和徐家联姻引发了家族纷争,而杨过的孤独和毒害问题也浮出水面。与此同时,徐家老人的病情危急,医生争分夺秒救治,却引发了医疗纠纷
回复 :Austin, a musician and singer and Ally, a songwriter, are paired up unexpectedly but rely on their two best friends, Trish and Dex, to keep things together. Austin and Dex decide to record one of Ally's songs without her knowing and post it on the internet. Austin becomes an instant sensation. Austin begs Ally to expose herself as the writer and write him another song, but instead they pair up for a totally talented pop duo!