回复 :Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister Luiza's wedding.
回复 :帝都大学高尖端医疗中心集合了来自于不同科室的6名人才。他们有着不同的年纪,性格也各不相同。血液内科医生荻原雪代(小池荣子 饰):性格奔放,嗜好赌博;心脏外科医生高木淳二(田边诚一 饰):自信满满,爱好女性;脑神经外科医生橘步美(多部未华子 饰):人称机器,冷面冷语;神经眼科医生副岛雅臣(北村有起哉 饰):理智冷静,金钱至上;应用医学研究室教授古牧利明(小日向文世 饰):诺奖获得者,理论知识丰富;内科医生波多野卓巳(相叶雅纪 饰):人称“江湖医生”,被父亲投了简历,意外从私人诊所被调到这里,每天3点准时吃甜点。这样一群性格各异的医生,背后的故事和现实的困难交织在一起,演奏出一曲曲颇为悬疑的医院故事。
回复 :我本是商业大佬却因为意外穿越,还成了大旱三年的地方县令!看我利用現代人的思想,先定个小目標:搞粮,搞钱,搞生产!沒想到遭遇到女帝微服私訪?我成了帝國最强县令!