色中The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster. Bierko plays Tomei's husband, while Hall is her psychiatrist and confidant.
色中The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster. Bierko plays Tomei's husband, while Hall is her psychiatrist and confidant.
回复 :讲述土匪庞大虎因帮助俄国抗击日本而成为北方的大军阀。目不识丁的他却常自命不凡,闹出了不少笑话。当地大旱,求雨不成的他大骂龙王,命令炮兵对龙王爷开炮,结果误撞下雨,他为此沾沾自喜。他审理一强奸案,高白氏因夫死不甘寂寞,勾引小叔子不成,反诬他强奸。庞大虎命两名士兵在公堂上试行强奸,无法得手,于是把诬告的高白氏拉出枪毙。民国18年北伐军统一全国,日本人为破坏中国统一,支持已下野的庞大虎东山再起,不料当年曾被他无端杀死的戏班老板之女兰芳出现,枪杀了这个阴谋卖国的坏蛋。
回复 :克里斯蒂安(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)与下属伊莎贝拉(劳米·拉佩斯 Noomi Rapace 饰)在工作之外还有不少私人接触,然而表面良好的关系之下,克里斯蒂安为获得事业发展不惜剽窃了伊莎贝拉的广告创意,将功劳揽在自己身上,心生罅隙的伊莎贝拉与克里斯蒂安的情人德克(保罗·安德森 Paul Anderson 饰)发生了关系,并试图挽回自己因克里斯蒂安遭受的职业挫折,结果遭到了克里斯蒂安更强烈的羞辱。伊莎贝拉发现克里斯蒂安掌握德克贪污的证据,并欲将之告发,伊莎贝拉随即将证据藏匿。不久,克里斯蒂安在自己家中被害,现场遗留的证据指向伊莎贝拉,然而她是真正的凶手么?
回复 :Although sumo is a cherished part of Japanese culture, few have managed to get a behind-the-scenes look at the sport. Director Eiji SAKATA had the opportunity to spend six months in close contact with two sumo stables. In the process, he managed to capture fascinating footage of the rigorous training sessions and daily life of the wrestlers.