回复 :A film on the come back of exorcism in the contemporary world. Our world. Each year a growing number of people call their sense of unease “possession.” In Italy, Europe, worldwide. The Church answers to this spiritual emergency nominating an increasing number of exorcist priests and organizing training courses. Father Cataldo is one of the most sought-after exorcists in Sicily and elsewhere; he is famous for his tireless fighting spirit. Every Tuesday Gloria, Enrico, Anna, and Giulia, along with many others, attend Father Cataldo’s mass for deliverance, trying to find a cure for a sense of discomfort that has no answer nor a name. Whether believers or not, how far are we prepared to go to get recognition for our own disease? What are we prepared to do to be delivered from it, here and now? This is the story of a meeting between the act of exorcism and everyday life, where the contrasts between the ancient and modern, the religious and profane, are at times disturbing and at others exhilarating. A film not about religion, but about how religion can be experienced.
回复 :刽子手袁德泰(王羽 饰)手段高强,金刀斩过,人犯尤不知死。徒弟二五(钱小豪 饰)与公差等每每看得五体投地。是日,袁德泰斩杀悍匪“鬼八仙”团伙三名成员,几近完成千人斩记录。鬼八仙头目朱七被擒,依法亦当斩,行刑前夜,钟馗之妹(王小凤 饰)拜访袁德泰,请托其失手,以延长朱七痛苦,袁德泰畏惧恶鬼寻仇,将这差事交给二五。行刑时,鬼八仙最后一人——玉残花(王祖贤 饰)伺机营救无果,却决心向袁德泰一家寻仇。当夜,二五被朱七鬼魂附体,幸而袁德泰身手敏捷躲过一劫,袁德泰之女巧银(陈法蓉 饰)为二五驱魔不表。不久,袁德泰自感杀孽深重,转行开酒铺谋生,玉残花混入袁家寻仇,某日钟馗(午马 饰)拜访袁家,拆穿了玉残花真实身份……
回复 :An ordinary dog, whose good fortune and ability to connect with people, catapults him to fame.