回复 :白晶丈夫嗜赌成性,输光家产后逼迫白晶去挣钱。雨夜,白晶意欲碰瓷,却遇到了抱打不平的刘志飞。刘志飞带白晶去和她丈夫理论,丈夫用刀要砍白晶,纷争中刀刺进丈夫自己的心脏死亡。刘志飞因过失杀人被判人狱五年,妻子误认为他与白晶有染。
回复 :Living with her father and stepmother in Naples, Anna is very unhappy as her stepmother hinders her attempts to live her own life. While her parents are away, she goes out with Carlo, but finds herself locked out when she comes home. This angers Carlo and he asks Anna to go away with him to Rome, where he plans to liquidate his business assets in order to have money for marriage. He quarrels with his partner and is implicated when his partner is found murdered. Although innocent, he is convicted and given a long sentence. Anna has a child and, finding it impossible to support her child , returns to Naples. The stepmother's conditions are that before she will agree to house the child, Anna must commit herself to a reformatory for unmarried mothers.
回复 :阿添是个运送邮件的飞行员,二战时参加了英国皇家空军,他与上司贝克同时爱上了在夜总会唱歌的女孩莎。两个情敌同驾一架战斗机,当他们迫降到海滩被德军俘虏时,二个人共同想办法逃出德军阵地;阿添为掩护贝克受伤,但未及时回来赴约的阿添被女友误会,而导致分手,女友投入贝克的怀抱,但当阿添因参加飞行战斗生死不明时,女友莎不顾一切跑到码头,他看到阿添出现在人群中,冲上去与阿添深深吻到一起,贝克摸摸默默地离开他们这对烽火中的情侣。