回复 :本作属于架空幻想西欧都市,且充满了冒险及童话色彩的奇妙空想物语,故事围绕着手镯与羁绊而展开,主要讲述了主人公无(ナイ)以一个遗留在血泊中的手镯作为线索踏上寻人的旅途,途中被叫美弥的女人抓了起来,期间被进入房屋盗窃的花砾所救,并得知自己手上的手镯是国家防卫机关“轮”的识别证。之后两人便踏上了旅途,在此过程中接触到了国家防卫最高机关『轮』,并结识了与仪等人。
回复 :Simon Reeves makes another "round the world" trip following the tropic of Capricorn which is parallel (but shorter) to the equator in the Southern hemisphere. Again each episode is a rapid visit to one or more countries, in (Austral)Asia, Latin America or Africa, exploring strategic issues as well as daily life for locals, tourists and planners. Written by KGF Vissers
回复 :《新西游记 6》中节目组表示《姜食堂2 》会在暖和的季节回归。