回复 :两宗凶杀案的死者皆如电影情节般被杀,凶手可能是个疯狂电影迷,女探员芬向上司Chow要求找心理学家谢博士协助破案。谢是失明人士,在调查过程中指出芬有不愉快的童年,以至现在有暴力倾向;芬亦不甘被看穿心态,反指谢独困家中,与外界隔绝,是没有自信的表现,二人不欢而散。芬将调查范围收窄于导演Tommy、制片华姐、编剧当当、女演员刘晴和影迷初仔身上后刘晴被杀,在影迷初仔家中发现大量刘晴的照片,初仔拒捕逃走,反抗时死在Chow枪下。谢在物证中嗅出了Chow常服用之镇定剂味道,遂设计引Chow说出真相。原来Chow之女友三年前希望当上Tommy新片之女主角,但Tommy有不轨企图,并与华姐和当当等人合计要她服下摇头丸,岂料药力过量而死,后刘晴当上该片之女主角。Chow精神大受困扰而需服食镇定剂,决意向众人报服,并嫁祸于初仔。Chow要向谢下毒手灭口,危急之际芬赶到将Chow杀死。一切看似完结,芬与谢亦已和好,怎料谢却发现芬一些疑点,真正凶手可能就是芬……
回复 :影片讲述了江苹驾车不慎撞死一醉汉,被游手好闲之男子阿兴发现,从此阿兴以此要胁江苹与他发生关系,江苹便找来闺中密友亦是他同性恋伴侣飞飞帮助,而江苹丈夫女秘书暗恋上司已久,便用计要杀害江苹,由此发生的错综复杂的故事。
回复 :This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away while leaving their sensual protagonist dealing with his own loneliness, EQUATION was directed with supreme grace by the mysterious Dietrich de Velsa (aka Francis Savel/Frantz Salieri). A former painter, de Velsa was also the owner and artistic director of La Grande Eugène, one of the first drag cabarets in Paris. Years later, he collaborated with Joseph Losey on MR. KLEIN (1976) and DON GIOVANNI (1979). His one and only film, EQUATION TO AN UNKNOWN stands as one of the most extraordinary erotic films of all time.“The most melancholic porn film I’ve ever seen. It’s very sad, and aesthetically beautiful. Just a young man wandering through several depictions of love and choreographies of love-making; it’s like a ceremony, a ceremony of fantasies, especially the last sequence where the main character recalls all his previous fantasies, which come one by one around his bed and make love to him. I think it’s one of the most beautiful film sequences of French cinema.” –Yann Gonzalez