亚洲There's a woman for every taste.
亚洲There's a woman for every taste.
回复 :Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the truth about his family. As one brother fights for his life, the other must fight for reconciliation and redemption inside and outside the cage. This family film explores love, forgiveness, loss, healed relationship and, ultimately, the realization that we are all God's Favorite.
回复 :《我的西門小故事》講述一個45歲住在台灣的紀錄片法籍 導演,一直有個拍劇情片的夢想,然而實際上,他除了案子被取消,也幾乎身無分文,甚至跟老婆起了衝突。一天晚上,與朋友的聚會結束後,返家卻發現他被妻子反鎖在外,他忿忿地離開,獨自在西門町遊蕩,這對尚若白來說是個重要的晚上,因為他遇到兩位女子,讓他的故事在西門町繼續走下去。
回复 :斗鸡,惨烈的博弈游戏,用生命筑构起光辉与荣耀,也让生命走向黑暗和毁灭,如同人在江湖,往往身不由己。程健军和张力扬从小一起长大,念完初中三后便无心向学,跟随斗鸡场的场主洪爷,做其小弟。斗技场势力庞大,两人在洪爷身边学到不少斗鸡的真功夫,也成为洪爷最得力的助手。程健军性格阴沉、冲动,为人冷酷无情,是洪爷的前锋打手;张力扬个性冷静有智谋,是洪爷所依赖的军师。两人跟随洪爷10年,程健军渐起取代洪爷的念头。而洪爷早就把张力扬视为接班人。程健军知道洪爷的心意,因此先发制人强行夺权,暗中部署了人马,在洪爷生日宴席当晚,与另一个对手梁王结盟逼迫洪爷让位,一连串阴谋慢慢开始浮出水面…