深海A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.
深海A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.
回复 :A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm.
回复 :加州海岸一直都存在着两只巨大史前海洋生物,他们为了取得海洋的霸主地位而争斗了数百年,直到有一天他们被冰河所冻结。近年来,随着气温的升高,这两只史前生物又复活了,他们在海洋中依然为所欲为,人类的生存受到了威胁,人类必须要解决这样的危机,一场人与史前生物的惨烈争斗开始了。
回复 :主要反映彪炳史册的古田会议召开当年,毛泽东、朱德、陈毅等老一辈无产阶级革命家率领红四军,在闽西地方党组织和广大干部群众的支持下,开展如火如荼革命斗争的光辉历史