应用影全A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious Handyman when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
应用影全A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious Handyman when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
回复 :小城无业人员彭西是一个专门玩“黑彩”的票友,在他又一次的与大奖无缘之后惨遭兄弟出卖,阴差阳错回到2012年。凭借永远快人一步的远见卓识,彭西财色兼收,不仅当上了“黑彩”庄家,还同时找回了已经丢失的爱情。谁知好景不长,彭西很快失去了一切。在被庄家陆先生活埋又苏醒之后,彭西才知道,决战才刚刚开始...
回复 :Santhosh, a youth who is struggling with 'Micro Penis Syndrome' marries Amrutha in an unavoidable situation but continues to postpone their first night nuptials. He comes across a Godwoman who has a herbal medicine to address his problem.
回复 :你这道坎,我还能跨过去吗?笨嘴拙舌的小地产中介关明星(张子贤 饰)遇到了能力超群的金牌女中介向青(李晓峰 饰)。两人为了业绩争得“头破血流”成为死敌,却在接触中发现了彼此破碎的一面。同为异乡打工人,同样的窘迫与无奈,让两人不禁惺惺相惜。但在爱情越来越脆弱的时代,是不是再坚定的爱情,在现实面前都会被碰得粉碎……