回复 :小美和阿雄在一起很久了,到了快结婚的时间,可是当小美和阿雄的两家人在一起见面的时候,父母双方不同意,各自有自己的原因,阿雄家里是农村的,小美家是城里人,两种不同思想的长辈让两个年轻人左右为难。
回复 :Celestine, the chambermaid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man. But Mr Lanlaire is not a right choice all the house is firmly controlled by Mme Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, ex-officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive, and does not share his mother's anti-republicans opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and also Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity Will sinister and inflexible Joseph let his views upon Celestine be ruined A quite disillusioned depiction of humanity.
回复 :玛丽(贝热尼丝·贝乔 Bérénice Bejo 饰)和鲍里斯(塞德里克·康 Cédric Kahn 饰)结婚已经十五年之久了,在这漫长的岁月中,无数的争吵将两人对彼此的感情最终消磨殆尽,这场婚姻走到了割裂的尽头。可是,离婚对于夫妻两人来说都是一件麻烦事。当初买房子是玛丽付的钱,鲍里斯则负责房屋的装修,如今两人想要分道扬镳,这房子究竟应该怎么分才公平成为了无解的难题。与此同时,鲍里斯只是一名普通的工人,并没有经济实力为自己另找一处住所,如果被扫地出门,那他势必会面临流落街头的悲惨命运。在不断的推搡和拉扯之间,新的矛盾接二连三的产生。