回复 :为寻新经,师徒四人相聚在当今社会,但他们俨然己颠覆了原先人们耳熟能详的人物性格。唐僧变成一个孤芳自赏的自恋狂,孙悟空则目中无人,成为了天下老子第一的角色,越来越胖的八戒操一口流利的东北话,色心依旧;而变化最大的当属沙和尚,他变成一个不撞南墙不回头的狠角色。中间还夹杂了一个机器人布鲁,它从里到外、从上到下都是冰冷的,因为热了它会产生短路。西行路上碰上地震加海啸,进水的布鲁果真短路,成为癫狂的疯子,一行五人在取经路上上演了一连串令人捧腹的笑话,使观众忍俊不禁......
回复 :龙娜是一位职场金领剩女和霸道总裁,被妈妈催婚,无奈接受阔太闺蜜的租友计划,没想到却是变相的相亲,失望的龙娜中断了租友计划,却遇到了新来的男助理张传奇,而张传奇竟是她未见面的被租者。于是“终是有缘人”的职场版“杨过恋上小龙女”的酸酸甜甜爱情故事上演了...
回复 :Siren Phillips has lived her life thinking she's an ordinary girl, in an ordinary town. On the eve of her twelfth birthday, however, she learns that she is far from ordinary. Destined to turn into a Mermaid at the age of twelve, Siren must struggle with her new reality, saying good-bye to her mother and friends, while she transitions into the water. To make matters worse, a group of hunters are trying to catch her. She soon becomes friends with Adam Wilts, a new boy at school, who she turns to for help. He agrees to help her, but finds himself caught in the middle, when it's his own father who is after Siren. When Siren's mother is taken, the town must rally behind her, and help her make a peaceful transition into the water, before the hunters can find out where she is.