Introducing 3 agents in the Sydney property market; we follow Gavin, D'Leanne and Simon as they hustle, negotiate and deal - in their quest for success.
Introducing 3 agents in the Sydney property market; we follow Gavin, D'Leanne and Simon as they hustle, negotiate and deal - in their quest for success.
回复 :该剧讲述一个相亲类真人秀节目的拍摄团队是如何通过制造各种戏剧性的冲突、背后操纵参赛者的关系等重重包装,把满满的“抓马”塞进节目中去的。
回复 :故事发生在和平宁静的空美町,平凡的少年樱井智树(保志总一朗 配音)过着独居的生活。每晚,智树都会梦见有天使从天而降,虽然被梦境所困扰,但智树的每一天依然能称得上是风平浪静。某一日,名叫伊卡洛斯(早见沙织 配音)的不明生物降落到了智树的身边,有着一张可爱面孔的她,后背上却长着硕大的羽翼。难道梦境中的一切变为现实了?善良的智树收留了伊卡洛斯,他的温柔和陈恳打动了这位本该无情的天使。之后,妮姆芙(野水伊织 配音)和阿斯特蕾亚(福原香织 配音)两位天使也被智树感化留在了他的身边。这些天使们从何而来?为何而来?在她们的背后,似乎隐藏了许多不为人知的秘密。
回复 :The three-part series follows Jimmy Doherty as he visits British couples and families who have given up the rat race to live closer to nature in three very different locations. From tropical scuba diving on Bangka island, Indonesia to tracking bears in the wild and remote Yukon and spotting hippos on the Nile in Uganda, he gets under the skin of why these people have turned their back on their old lives and what challenges they face in their new ones.