春暖After being caught with her lover, a woman becomes hunted by her own relatives who want to kill her for their family's honor.
春暖After being caught with her lover, a woman becomes hunted by her own relatives who want to kill her for their family's honor.
回复 :The story of Charlie Darby, who has everything going for him: a great job, friends, family, the whole package. The one thing Charlie doesn't have is love, because every time he gets close, he goes clinically insane. When he meets the perfect girl, Charlie must overcome his psychosis to claim his chance at true love.
回复 :皮埃尔是一位事业有成的中年男人,没有成家,忙着工作,过着和周围人相同又不太一致的生活。在出差的间隙,透过火车窗户,皮埃尔看到白雪皑皑的山峰和冰川,美丽的自然吸引着他。于是,皮埃尔谎称生病向公司告假,向这座充满魅力的雪山出发。
回复 :传说中,16世纪日本大阪的统治者丰臣秀吉的成功源于7个吉祥物。末流古董商人小池则夫被要求策划一个以丰臣秀吉为主题的展览,并且找到最后一块幸运物——刻有中国凤凰的茶碗。但与此同时,另一家可疑的艺术基金会也在寻找它。而穷困潦倒的陶艺家野田佐助则被要求制作这件瓷碗的仿品。