回复 :此次是十月放送的动画的续作,换了人设和监督等人,小Z我觉得这部轻喜剧动画还不错,故事讲述的是高中二年级代母之职的大姐春香,活泼但爱闯祸的初中二年级生夏奈,毒舌的小学五年级生千秋和他们各个年龄的朋友的日常生活。
回复 :"嘉年华"全新巡演是周杰伦庆祝出道20年的演唱会,整场演出为歌迷打造fantasy的音乐王国,将有多首经典歌曲引爆全场,带来空前盛况。此次演出,团队选用了"透明屏"取代过去传统的LED屏幕。值得一提的是开场的巨型"跨时空能量球",直径达12米,是全球首创最多"透明屏"组成的最大球体。这颗能量球象征着周杰伦20年来音乐上累积的能量源源不绝,借着这场演唱会"嘉年华"跨越时空送给歌迷。
回复 :Bombing of Germany explores the role bombing played in the course of the Second World War. Discover in detail how the British and American bombing campaigns against Germany were carried out and what they were designed to achieve. In this programme see interviews with veterans, historians, and ethicists from countries engaged in WWII as this film recounts the story of the British and American bombing campaigns against Germany.