回复 :The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity's oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to today's grandest telescopes, we invite you to experience From Earth to the Universe. This stunning, 30-minute voyage through space and time - the world's first free download-able full-dome planetarium movie - conveys, through sparkling sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Viewers can revel in the splendor of the worlds in the Solar System and our scorching Sun. From Earth to the Universe takes the audience out to the colorful birthplaces and burial grounds of stars, and still further out beyond the Milky Way to the unimaginable immensity of ...
回复 :新中国成立后,毛泽东曾44次下榻 武 汉东湖宾馆,除了中南海,这里 是他居住 时间最长的地方。该纪录电影是在中共中央文献 研究 室、中央电视台等指导下,由湖北 日 报传媒集团与湖北新视念文化传 播有限公 司、北京伯璟文化有限公 司共同制作。纪录片分为《江城雪》《梅岭春》《东湖情》三集,通过历史见证者对毛泽东在武汉东湖停留期间的追忆,结合历史镜头与照片,描绘了一个“接地气”的毛泽东形象,并解读了他与湖北的不解之缘。
回复 :因幡洋(取访部顺一 配音)的前身是一只警犬,经过特殊途径被繁殖出来的他拥有着近似于人类的外表以及野兽般灵敏的直觉和动作。目前,因幡洋经营着他自己的事务所,担任私家侦探的职务,而他所作的这一切只有一个目的——找到自己失踪的弟弟因幡遥(斋贺弥月 配音)。在老搭档荻野邦治(森川智之 配音)的影响下,洋莫名其妙的被卷入了意大利黑手党的纠纷之中,为了根除他们控制日本的庞大野心,洋带着他的两个年轻助手野崎圭(入野自由 配音)和佐佐木优太(下田麻美 配音),同荻野一起与罪恶的瓦伦蒂诺家族展开了斗争。与此同时,在黑手党组织里,洋意外的发现了弟弟的行踪,这背后究竟隐藏了怎样的阴谋呢?