回复 :A group of insane asylum inmates flee a broken-down bus and occupy a nearby farmhouse. As they form a collective threaded by bizarre exercises and slapstick setups, the film spirals out into a freewheeling comedy of disorder, told with unusual verve and intensity, and featuring a dissonant, if deranged, soundtrack by free jazz innovator Ornette Coleman and his trio.
回复 :新井淑则(加藤成亮 饰)一直希望能够成为一名传道受业解惑的老师。从小被电视剧里的热血教师的形象所影响,新井发誓自己也要成为那样闪烁着耀眼光芒,为学生们指引正确道路的灯塔一样的存在。成人后,新井如愿进入了中学成为了一名国文老师,不仅如此,他还和深爱着的女友(泽尻英龙华 饰)结了婚组成了家庭。妻子为他生下了三个可爱的孩子,一时之间,新井事业家庭双丰收,成为了旁人羡慕的对象。然而某一天,噩梦突然降临到了这个家庭的头上。新井失明了。这也就意味着,他的后半生要在黑暗和孤独之中度过。这突如其来的打击让这个家庭迅速来到了岌岌可危的边界。
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