回复 :ANDRZEJ WAJDA: LET'S SHOOT! is an extraordinary record of a few months of struggle on the set, showing an atmosphere of work and a picture of immense film machinery, and at same time presenting the truest and intimate portrait of the Master of Polish Cinema, the Oscar winner. In 1957 Andrzej Wajda won the Silver Palm in Cannes for his film 'Canal', along with 'Seventh seal' by Ingmar Bergman. We meet him 50 years later, as the author of many important films, such as 'Ashes and Diamonds', 'Man of Marble' or 'Danton', now directing one the most important films in his career, 'Katyń', about the massacre in which thousands of Polish officers, including Wajda's father, were murdered by the Soviets, during World War II - a tragedy left unspoken for decades.
回复 :迈克尔·法拉第(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)是一名乔治华盛顿大学的历史系教授,单独抚养着9岁的儿子,他的妻子原是FBI探员,前不久死于一次执勤。最近,迈克尔家街对面搬来了一户新人家,奥利弗(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)和雪柔(琼·库萨克 Joan Cusack 饰)以及他们的儿子布雷迪。然而不知是由于正在讲授恐怖组织一课的职业惯性还是第六感作祟,迈克尔总是对这户新邻居心存怀疑,当然,周围没有一个人相信他的荒谬推理。迈克尔开始对奥利弗一家明察暗访,渐渐发现了原来奥利弗一直在用假身份生活,家族史也颇有疑点,但是奥利弗和雪柔的警惕始终让迈克尔的调查寸步难行。直到一天,迈克尔的女友无意在奥利弗的车后发现了一只可疑的包裹,然而就在他们还来不及弄清楚事情原委的时候,谋杀已经笼罩了这座城市……
回复 :拳赛之日展示了处在生涯巅峰的爱尔兰裔中量级拳手Walter Cartier与中量级鲍比詹姆斯对决的那一天(1950年4月17日)。这部电影以关于拳击历史的短暂旁白开场,然后拍摄Cartier(与他的兄弟Vincent)的一天,这时他正在为晚上10点的比赛做准备。他先在格林威治区西12街的公寓里吃了早餐,然后前去参加了早弥撒,并在他最喜爱的餐馆享用午餐。在下午4点,他开始准备比赛。晚上8点,他在新泽西州纽瓦克的劳雷尔花园的更衣室等待战斗开始。最后,我们看到拳赛的过程,Cartier在短时间内胜出。12分钟版与16分钟版的区别是,后者有一段关于拳击历史的开场旁白(4分钟),由资深新闻播音员Douglas Edwards用一种严肃的,带着些许黑色幽默的语调念出。Day Of The Fight" tells of a day in the life of a middleweight Irish boxer named Walter Cartier, particularly the day of his bout with black middleweight Bobby James. This 16-minute short opens with a short (about 4 minutes) study of boxing's history, narrated by veteran newscaster Douglas Edwards in a no-nonsense, noir tone of voice. After this, we follow Walter (and his twin brother Vincent) through his day as he prepares for his 10:00 P.M. bout. After eating breakfast, going to early mass and eating lunch, he starts arranging his things for the fight at 4:00 P.M. By 8:00, he is waiting in his dressing room, where he undergoes a mental transformation, turning into the fighting machine the crowd clamors for. At 10:00, he faces James, and soon, he comes out victorious in a short match which was filmed live on April 17th, 1950.