婚姻U.F.O. Blue Christmas
婚姻U.F.O. Blue Christmas
回复 :Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakening in this haunting vision of innocence lost. Based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates, the narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a revelatory breakout performance by Laura Dern as Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family whose summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtations is shattered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger (a memorably menacing Treat Williams). Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Smooth Talk captures the thrill and terror of adolescent sexual exploration as it transforms the conventions of a coming-of-age story into something altogether more troubling and profound.
回复 :一夜长大恐怕是每个小孩的梦想,长大了就能自由自在。12岁的光仔更是比其他小孩都渴望长大,因为他的妈妈刚刚意外自杀身亡,爸爸找来了一个新妈妈。光仔吃惊地发现自此妈妈死后自己就不再长高,一切都是爸爸和新妈妈的错,光仔心里一直这么认为。一天,光仔在公园遇到了一个神秘人。神秘人自称有一种神奇药水,能让光仔一夜长大。光仔真的就一夜之间变成了一个20多岁的年轻人,光仔(刘德华 饰)终于梦想成真,终于能够摆脱爸爸和新妈妈了。兴奋不已的光仔开始追求他的梦中情人――学校老师Miss Lee(应采儿 饰)。没想到大人外表儿童内心的光仔很快就和Miss Lee打得火热,但是光仔却发现了一个大问题――自己现在一天长大10岁。
回复 :阿宝(吴景滔饰)梦中坐在父亲的自行车后坐,一手拿着风车,一手紧紧地抱着,然而美梦破碎。落魄父亲周长胜(郭富城饰)有着烂赌恶习,母亲阿莲(杨采妮饰)为此无法忍受,决定出走后被抓回。为了挽救夫妻间已经破裂的感情,父亲一厢情愿地安排全家去坐邮轮度假,母亲趁机离家不归。穷困潦倒之余,周长胜又遭到了高利贷追债,连番失意的他想抛下阿宝,但还没离开就被追债的人打断腿。父子二人踏上了逃亡之路,伤残的父亲没有赚钱能力,只能逼迫阿宝去借钱甚至偷东西。有一次,阿宝偷窃失手,怯懦的父亲无力挽救……。这对父子的再次相见将会如何?