爱情Dr. James Xavier. A world renowned scientist, uses special eye drops to givehimself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.
爱情Dr. James Xavier. A world renowned scientist, uses special eye drops to givehimself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.
回复 :影片讲述两个20岁刚出头,跟中国有些渊源的年轻人重走长征路的故事。男孩名叫Benedict Short,他是中英混血,母亲是中国人,父亲是英国作家Philip Short, 曾写过《毛泽东传》。女孩名叫Margaux De Wilde,她的母亲是加拿大人,父亲是法国人。她读小学时,身为外交官的父母被派往北京,她的童年时光是在中国度过的。两位主人公在北京同一所大学学习中文,他们在这里相识、相爱。在一堂“中国近代史”课上,两人第一次听到老师讲中国长征的历史;他们被那些当年参加红军长征的战士和历经磨难的红军故事所震撼。于是,他们决定骑着摩托车沿着当年红军长征的足迹,亲自去参观那些故事的发生地。然而,他们的决定在最开始,受到了男孩母亲的反对,但是最终还是被男孩说服了,于是在他们临行前,男孩母亲给两位主人公讲述了他们家庭和长征的故事,并给了一些当年的信物,于是两人出发了。两人从长征的起点江西省瑞金出发,沿途经过湖南、广西、贵州、云南、四川等省。他们专程拜访当年参加过长征的老红军和在长征中牺牲的红军战士的后代,听他们讲过去的故事,在当年红军长征经过的地方,他们遇到更多的是跟自己同龄的年轻人,有艺术家、舞蹈家、手工匠人、运动员等。除了遇到这些可爱的人,他们还走过城市、山间、雪山、草地,无数次被中国壮美的山河美景吸引。他们被红军精神和现在人的美好生活所感染,看到了新中国是如何诞生,感受到新中国是如何成为世界第二大经济体的。本片于第八届北京国际电影节纪录片单元获得“特别推荐奖”。
回复 :This early 70's giallo by Umberto Lenzi is certainly among the best in his filmography and also in the whole genre. Personally I think Lenzi's best films are the funny cartoon-turned-film Kriminal, the stylish giallo Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, the explosive Napoli violenta and this. In the eighties he did plenty of film trash in form of Eaten Alive, Hitcher in the Dark or Black Demons, all of which are ripping something off and/or very dull and slow moving. Knife of Ice came when the giallo boom was at its hottest and the result is convincing.Technically the film is superb, containing great cinematography in the beginning when we learn about the main character's trauma towards trains. From this point on, Lenzi shows us his ability to benefit the widescreen and, for example, the bicycle ride near the forest is genuinely beautiful! This scene also shows Lenzi's ability to build suspense, very slowly but meaningfully. After all, there aren't so many murders in the whole film, only the suspense circulating around the murderer's identity.One suspect is a devil worshipper which brings new aspects to the mystery. Since the final scene takes place in a church, one can wonder if Lenzi wanted to comment on something, maybe the hypocritical morale of church and superstition. The main character (Carrol Baker) is mute which demands a lot from her face and eyes. The actress works very well, giving us a believable performance circulating around the emotions of fear and mental pain. The other actors are good, too. The finally, however, may not give too positive a sight about female sex since they all are expressed rather negatively in the film, one way or another. Still this is easily among the most noteworthy in the genre, not as bloody as the Argento films, for example, but equally suspenseful and visually also interesting.
回复 :《革命》是由《火战车》的大导演Hugh Hudson执导的又一部史诗般气势宏伟的巨片。艾尔-帕西诺扮演一个被时代洪流推着走的小人物,他从一个不愿参加战斗的明哲保身的小市民到自觉参战的美国公民,从而经历了美国为脱离英国统治而爆发的独立战斗的全过程。电影没有从一个伟人,例如华盛顿入手,而是通过底层人物的命运转移带出对这段历史的公正评价及当时年代各阶层勾心斗角,前线战火纷飞的残酷场面。帕西诺或者说是美国人民最终获得胜利,他们不仅赢得了自由,幸福及粮食,更描绘出一个摆脱帝制后全速前进的美丽蓝图……