视频When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.
视频When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.
回复 :Netflix目前已经敲定三部独立电影。这些片子的成本都在200万美元以下,Netflix会出大约为它们成本120%-130%的价格购买这些电影的全球发行权,并且很可能会投资电影制作项目本身。影片在影院上映30天之后,就会被放到 Netflix平台上播放。这三部电影类型各不相同,分别为剧情片、歌舞片、恐怖片。它们的共同点是都没有知名卡司。除了剧情片《The Most Hated Woman In American》中会有曾获奥斯卡最佳女配角的梅丽莎·里奥出演,其他两部片子的主演多是相对不太知名的电视剧演员。
回复 :Paul Averhoff was once a great marathon runner, the gold medalwinner at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Now over 70 and forced tolive in a nursing home, Paul rejects the singing group and handicraftclasses for his old running shoes and announces that he is trainingfor the Berlin Marathon, which he intends to win.
回复 :远离城市的小岛上,一个地产开发商和他的女友被三个手持猎枪的疯癫大汉追杀。不久,开发商惨遭毒手。只剩下看似弱小的女主角奋力求生,一路干掉所有坏人。