回复 :
回复 :When go-go dancer Lucía nicks a fortune in designer drugs from her mafia employers, the mobsters’ dogged pursuit forces her to seek sanctuary with her estranged sister Rocío and niece Alba in “The Venus,” a decrepit apartment complex on the outskirts of Madrid. As terrible, rotten, no-good luck would have it, Lucía soon finds herself sole guardian to little Alba after Rocío suddenly flies the concrete coop, unable to handle the supernatural stress of living in a monolith that is apparently also host to a malignant evil — one that invades its tenants’ waking nightmares.Taking a few cues from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Dreams in the Witch House,” "Venus" piles on the blood and bombshells like a double bill of "Demons 2" and "The Sentinel".
回复 :亚美尼亚大屠杀幸存少女欧娜拉逃到美国,口述亲身经历出版成书,更被好莱坞拍成电影,由她本人重演惨案。十四岁遭遇家破人亡,被鄂图曼士兵强行驱逐,眼前尽是掠夺、饥饿、强奸和杀戮,盼望黎明曙光,死里逃生有责任说出灭绝真相。由她主演的默片面世后引起极大回响,拷贝原已散佚,部分失而复得。生于亚美尼亚的茵娜莎哈基安,以动画形式,结合这些寻回的片段,以及欧娜拉生前访问,重述她走过死荫幽谷背负创伤的故事,提醒世人勿忘种族灭绝暴行。