回复 :American film critic Elvis Mitchell’s kaleidoscopic documentary creates a definitive narrative of the Black revolution in 1970s cinema, from genre films to social realism—a work of painstaking scholarship that’s also thoroughly entertaining, an essential archival document and testament to a period of American film history unlikely to be repeated.
回复 :In 2016, a young Australian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in, Madsen brutally murdered Kim Wall aboard his homemade submarine. An unprecedented revelation of a killer and the journey his young helpers take as they reckon with their own complicity and prepare to testify.
回复 :《与王一夜》来自圣经故事《以斯帖记》,女主角以斯帖是波斯女王,传说中她拯救了濒临灭绝的犹太民族。电影描写了犹太王后以斯帖(Esther)以人品和美丽赢得国王薛西斯(Xerxes)的欢心,从奸臣手中救了犹太人的命,帮助犹太人复仇的故事。以斯帖本是奴隶,幼年时父母被杀,她的叔父末底改把她养大。由于一个特别的机会,她被选为亚哈随鲁王的皇后。当以斯帖面对她权利、地位和名誉,与她的人们的命运进行抉择时,她是否能勇往直前完成她的使命