回复 :故事发生在1934年的英国,菲尔比(托比·斯蒂芬斯 Toby Stephens 饰)、博格思(汤姆·霍兰德 Tom Hollander 饰)和麦克林(鲁伯特·潘瑞-琼斯 Rupert Penry-Jones 饰)是三位在剑桥大学深造的前途无量的年轻人,他们受到了苏联海外情报部门的招募,成为了间谍,这就是之后闻名于历史的剑桥间谍帮。三个野心勃勃的年轻人将苏联视为实现他们政治理想抱负的肥沃土壤。第二次世界大战爆发之后,间谍帮的成员们被英国政府雇佣,在整个战争期间,他们为苏联提供了无数的珍贵情报,可谓是于无形之中影响了整个战局。1951年,博格思和麦克林因为身份败露而逃往了苏联,剩下菲尔比一人顶着巨大的压力接受了来自英国政府的严酷调查。
回复 :故事来到1834年的约克郡。Anne Lister和Ann Walker以妻妻身份在希布登庄园安家,决定结合两人的财产,成为一对无所畏惧的伴侣,所有人的目光因此落在了她们身上。Anne Lister的企业家精神和她非传统的爱情生活,都让当地人感到惊恐。而哈利法克斯也正处在变革的边缘,她拒绝低调的态度让一切变得更容易激起争端,并引发危险。第二季将继续使用Anne Lister真实日记作为素材,编剧Sally Wainwright会基于历史事实和日记中的500万字来创作剧本。
回复 :Monk and his friends arrive in New York to locate the man whom they were told has information about Trudy's murder. When they arrive at the hotel, the Latvian ambassador who is also staying there is killed. Monk saw the killer but only his ear. So he tries to help the NYPD solve the case hoping they will help them find the man. When Monk goes downtown, he gets lost and gets swept up in all the chaos. In the meantime, Stottelmeyer learns the NYPD knows where the man is and is not letting them see him. Written by www.2kyb.com