短剧After a life of little scams, a self-centered millennial is sentenced to take care of his grandmother, who is affected by Alzheimer's. As he realizes the extent of her wealth, the protagonist gets closer to the treasure he's been looking for.
短剧After a life of little scams, a self-centered millennial is sentenced to take care of his grandmother, who is affected by Alzheimer's. As he realizes the extent of her wealth, the protagonist gets closer to the treasure he's been looking for.
回复 :Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current of political turmoil and social change.
回复 :来自尼日利亚西南部一个村子的四名青少年无意中发现一袋未切割的钻石,但很快就有一群人前来寻找这笔财富。
回复 :张柏伦原是警校的好学生,被派去当卧底四年,现调回警官原校受训.他和同学招家宝等甚为友好。招家宝开设的店铺被黑社会捣乱,家宝被打伤。柏伦带领同学们把黑社会中人痛惩。此事犯了校规,教官林Sir不愿他们被革退替他们代罪,因此受到提前退职处分。柏伦等感到很内疚。林Sir退职后被四大天王匪帮杀死,柏伦等十分悲愤。毕业后他们都当了警察,他和家宝都和心爱的人结了婚。三年后他们得知四大天王的行踪,他们集中去围捕,在围捕中柏伦受了伤,四大天王都被他们亲手杀死,替休Sir报了仇。