回复 :伊万(艾什顿·库奇 Ashton Kutcher 饰)曾经有一个糟糕的童年,因为他行为闯下了大祸,令他童年充满不堪回忆的往事。而事实上,他确实只是依稀记得一点可怕的情景,这些情景一直纠缠着他的正常生活。伊万接受心理学家建议,把琐碎生活记在记事本里,却偶然发现通过记事本回到过去。这时他才清楚记起,童年时候的自己做了那么多的错事。他幻想着用现在的意识,潜入童年的身体,去弥补种种过失给人们带来的伤害,尤其是希望与当年暗恋的凯西最终走回一起。然而他一次次的跨越时空的更改,只能越来越招致现实世界的不可救药。一切就像蝴蝶效应般,牵一发而动全身。©豆瓣
回复 :Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he goes to Washington State to look for work in the timber industry. Natty runs away from the guardian she was left with to follow Dad. She befriends and is befriended by a wolf that has been abused in dog fights, hops a freight train west, and is presumed dead when her wallet is found after the train crashes. Dad gets bitter and endangers himself in his new job. Meanwhile Natty has a series of adventures and mis- adventures in various farmhouses, police stations, hobo camps, reform schools, and boxcars.
回复 :杰夫·道森(贾利·古柏)是一个倒霉的石油投机商在南美洲的不幸遭遇团聚他与老朋友,沃德“帕科”康威(安东尼·昆)。不幸的是,杰夫,帕科的妻子是一个坏消息,吃人的玛丽娜(芭芭拉·斯坦威克),几年前和情人跑了,现在杰夫爱上了另外一个女人。