好戏David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
好戏David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
回复 :爱情、婚姻、家庭,这是寻常人家的组成顺序,却不适用于萨拉和霍尔,尽管彼此从未见过面,他们却是黑人姑忍受左拉的你母,当左拉知自己的父亲是捐精者后,便开始了她的寻父历程。全家人能够幸福团聚吗?本睡由著名演员乌比·戈德堡主演,以幽默诙谐的形式将人工授精这一敏感的话题重新摆在人们面前。
回复 :Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them : what is in the basement may well change their lives forever.
回复 :【小象的故事】(Whispers: An Elephant's Tale)是迪士尼于2000年推出的一部作品,完全是由非洲野生动物主演,工作人员到野外拍摄实景之后,再根据剧本的故事发展来进行剪辑、配音的工作,才终于完成了这部作品。本片的故事叙述有一只名叫Whispers 的非洲象宝宝,才刚刚学会走路就在一次逃亡意外中跟母亲Gentle Heart 分散了,于是小象就踏上了寻找母亲的旅程,在途中他遇到了一只名为Groove 的大象,她因为特立独行而被她的族群给疏远,就决定远离族群去寻找自己的冒险,这一大一小两只象遇上后便开始同行,在非洲大草原上共同经历了许多精采的冒险。