迷途Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threatens to expose his darkest secrets.
迷途Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threatens to expose his darkest secrets.
回复 :纪录片《街头安全计划》(The Street Project)从美国历史和城市规划政策出发,谈论如何创造行人能放心行走的城市。全世界每年有超过100万人死于交通事故,其中有一半是行人和自行车事故。透过不同国家的案例和数据,进行各种模拟和实验,探讨我们的街道到底属于汽车、机车、自行车,还是行人?
回复 :“Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and power struggles set against the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in India’s Telengana state.
回复 :《库尔斯克》的故事聚焦2000年俄罗斯核潜艇“库尔斯克”沉没事件。彼时进行作战训练的库尔斯克号艇内鱼雷自爆,118位船员全部罹难。事件也成了历史上最严重的潜水艇事故。俄罗斯库尔斯克号核潜艇是当时世界最先进、最大的战术核潜艇之一,专门用来攻击航空母舰,曾被媒体誉为“航母终结者”。像“泰坦尼克”号超级油轮一样,库尔斯克号核潜艇也曾经被认为是“永不沉没”的潜艇。