回复 :奥斯卡获奖导演伊丽莎白·柴·瓦沙瑞莉和金国威(《徒手攀岩》《泰国洞穴救援》)首次将镜头对准天空,讲述了 SpaceX 鼓舞人心的崛起历程,以及埃隆·马斯克 20 年来为重振美国太空旅行野心所做的努力。这是自 2011 年航天飞机退役以来首次在美国本土执行载人任务,这是一次难得的机会,带领观众深入了解这一历史性时刻的背后功臣工程师和宇航员。《回到太空》记录了 NASA 资深人员鲍勃·本肯、道格·赫尔利和其家人在发射前的准备工作,将带领观众前往国际空间站进行激动人心的旅程,并探访马斯克和 SpaceX 团队的任务控制中心,见证其如何以“海面溅落”的方式将太空人送回地球。
回复 :At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view. He tells that he is not afraid of bandits or gangs; on the contrary he gets a kick out armed conflicts. To get a start in his new duty, he shops for a watchdog; and he buys an untrained attack dog as his companion. Then he speaks of the adjudications that the death sentence for fugitives is lacking influence. From his point of view, the judicatory tribunal must execute the fugitives in public. In the morning the next day he wears his uniform and start working with pride.Whilst he is on his duty, a very harmonic music score begins to be played on the piano. The watchman spectates the peaceful life on the street. At that time we catch on that socialism is not a governmental regime; yet it's an uneducated behavior.As a final scene the watchman witnesses of a cadet school's pupils being taught of the democracy. He leaves us with a confused smile.A soft and likable thesis from the Polish director Kieslowski. You can find this short documentary as a special feature in his DVD of A Short Film About Killing. It could help you to compass his film language.
回复 :改编自契诃夫的小说札记《没意思的故事》,电影主要讲述教授尼古拉得了神经衰弱症之后行为举止心理轨迹变化的故事,前半部分印象深刻的是拒绝给学生做毕业论文,后半部分则是关于女儿婚姻大事的抉择。第一次看窗户时学生走了,第二次看时,女儿也离他而去,再也没有回头。