回复 :讲述侦探安辰在一起离奇杀人案件中被陷害,被迫投奔身怀异能、执迷于侦破案件的的小姑雪莉。雪莉拥有什么样的异能?安辰是否能在雪莉的帮助下侦破案件?让我们随安辰一起剥开层层迷雾,探寻出最后的真相。
回复 :英勇保护证人而展开一连串的警险搞笑……吴阿秋(吴耀汉)与贝多芬(岑建勋)奉命保护重要证人罗美美(罗美薇),但美美天性反斗,不喜被贴身保护,偷偷溜走,引来追杀危机。秋误以为自己身患绝症,变得非常搏命,与杀手拼个你死我活……
回复 :Hamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother Ishrat has turned indifferent towards Hamid and the entire world after the incident. Neglected and lonely, with a heart searching for answers, Hamid star gazes in the hope of meeting his father. The number 786 always bewildered Hamid. One day a teacher tells Hamid that this is God’s number. Using his father’s old mobile phone, after trying different combinations, he finally manages to connect to a person, who he is convinced is God. On the other side is Abhay, a hard-knuckled CRPF Jawaan. Hamid’s phone call, though surprising at first, intrigues Abhay who engages in humouring Hamid. These two, unknowingly and unintentionally, change each other’s world for the better.