回复 :远离城市喧嚣的郊外古屋,住着一户七口人家。这家的母亲(Ayu Laksmi 饰)年轻时曾是小有名气的歌手,但是随着年岁增长,加上疾病缠身,母亲的风光不再,一家人的生活也陷入了窘境。常年卧病的母亲发不出声音,只能通过摇铃呼唤家人。而她憔悴的面孔上,又经常浮现恐惧的面容。长女里妮(塔拉·巴斯罗 Tara Basro 饰)在一次离奇的噩梦后,见证了母亲的死亡。早已身心疲惫的一家人,看起来似乎正一点点从痛苦和阴影中走出,可是从母亲下葬后的那天起,熟悉的铃声便再度回荡房屋之内,而各种恐怖的灵异事件也交替发生。死去母亲的秘密,在漫漫长夜的煎熬中悄然浮现……
回复 :Autumn 2015. Two Spanish lifeguards, Oscar and Gerard, travel to the Greek island of Lesbos after seeing the heart-wrenching photograph of a little boy drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. They arrive to discover a shocking reality: thousands of people risking their lives every day by trying to cross the sea in the most precarious of vessels, fleeing from armed conflicts and other miseries in their home countries. But the thing that stands out most is that no one is doing any rescue work. Together with Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do the job that none of the authorities are doing and provide support to the thousands of people who so badly need it. For all involved, this first trip will turn into an odyssey, one that will change their lives forever.
回复 :由淮安市水利控股集团全资子公司江苏楚云文化传播有限公司联合八一电影制片厂拍摄的影片《薪火相传》正式开机。全军军史编审委员会首席军史专家肖裕声少将,市委常委、宣传部部长周毅,周总理侄子周秉和,周总理特型演员刘劲等出席开机仪式。