回复 :一个年轻女子对流行歌手的痴迷发生了黑暗的转变。
回复 :有95年歷史的奇乐百货公司面临同业竞争的威胁,正想竭力打出一条生路之际,老闆柴多泰突告病逝。因长子柴家齐﹝蔡枫华饰﹞在外国留学未返,遂由年青有为的留美学生段星寒﹝任达华饰﹞接手管理,将百货公司大事改革,强调「作风新、字号老」,并力邀蒋仰男出任掌管公司命脉的採购部主管。另一方面,售货员侯舒容获蒋仰男﹝欧阳佩珊饰﹞赏识,悉心栽培,大有成为蒋仰男将来接班人之势。在私人感情方面,蒋仰男及侯舒容﹝郑裕玲饰﹞同时爱上了段星寒,因此二人关系越趋恶劣,而段星寒则从中独享渔人之利。 原来段星寒背后有个不可告人的故事,接手百货公司亦是另有企图,当他财色兼收欲一走了事之际,身份被揭发,并牵涉入一宗谋杀案之中。究竟段星寒是甚么身份?他与蒋仰男及侯舒容之感情又如何了断呢?
回复 :After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, which creates www.tuikan.cc unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, and a surprise no one expected. Realizing they need to escape, Sara and Ava create a distraction by going on a crime spree with Hoover hot on their tails. Meanwhile, Zari is finding it hard to get over Constantine, so Behrad suggests the only thing he knows that can help.