老视The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
老视The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
回复 :旭日初升,城市重新沐浴在温暖的阳光之中。在城市的一角,危机中心的接线员相继来到各自的岗位。海瑟(莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰)来到办公室,和坐在窗户旁边的男同事无声而暖暖地各自打了招呼。当她落座未久,一通电话打了进来。对方是一个自称斯坦·李的男性(吉姆·布劳德本特 Jim Broadbent 配音),他的声音听起来如此绝望低落,仿佛隔着电话便能看见他那张布满泪水和疲惫而又饱经沧桑的面颊。斯坦在不久前失去了挚爱的妻子,他痛不欲生,于是打算就此了结自己的生命,可有希望在此之前能找个人一吐胸臆。海瑟成为他最后的倾听者,时间一分一秒流逝,她尝试救助这个绝望的男人……本片荣获第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳真人短片奖。
回复 :《黑海夺金》由裘德·洛主演,讲述了一个潜艇的船长带着自己的队伍奔赴海底,寻找沉没的宝藏的故事。裘德·洛在片中饰演的是一位具有小混混气质的船长。在幽闭的潜艇内部,船长和他的船员都由于压力导致“精神恍惚”。最终,寻宝之旅变成了不是你死就是我亡的生存游戏。
回复 :Five children aged between 11 and 17 who have been rejected by society leave town in search of their own "Kingdom". They cross a mountain range, roads and rural landscapes, and are both victims and guilty parties on their journey. They steal and launch attacks but are also robbed and tortured in turn…