回复 :驻南美某国日本大使馆,大使黛竹千代(松本幸四郎 饰)为人冷酷严厉,奢华无度,他利用职权之便大肆敛财,引得当地民众怨声载道。适值外务大臣即将来访的重要时刻,作为参事的川北健(及川光博 饰)不愿再涉足泥潭,准备召开媒体恳谈会将大使的罪行公布于众,他也由此引来杀身之祸。与此同时,刚巧来南美洲度假的古畑任三郎(田村正和 饰)因护照被猴子偷走而被迫滞留,所幸遇到了无处不在的花田(八岛智人 饰)而暂得栖身之地。不久之后,绑架川北的勒索信函送至,但是这封疑点重重的勒索信马上便引起古畑刑警的怀疑……本片为《古畑任三郎》系列第五部SP。
回复 :What if everything we know about prehistory is wrong? Journalist Graham Hancock visits archaeological sites around the world investigating if a civilization far more advanced than we ever believed possible existed thousands of years ago.
回复 :In their last attempt to save their marriage, Sara and Óscar decide to take a short vacation in a cabin in the woods with their two children. But upon arrival, strange events corrode the tense atmosphere between them: a woman prowls the house predicting events that defy nature, which break the family from within as they confront unresolved problems from their past.