春暖A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down.
春暖A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down.
回复 :故事重返上世纪90年代,终极反派宇宙大帝从天而降,驱使以天灾为首的恐惧兽掀起地球危机。绝境之中,蛰伏许久的巨无霸终觉醒,联合汽车人变形出发,一场前所未有的决战即将上演。
回复 :For a group of friends in the Northeast, a weekend getaway at a snowy resort sounds like just what the doctor ordered. An opportunity to reconnect, relax, and recuperate among serene, snow-capped mountains and trees. But peace doesn’t last long as the ghosts of guests past and relationships long buried come to light. Soon enough, their trip transforms into a psychological tailspin and bloody nightmare, as both long-deceased guests and the space itself come to life, and the group turn on each other in a race to stay alive.
回复 :“意映卿卿如晤:吾今以此书与汝永别矣!吾作此书时,尚为世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼……”1911年3月26日(农历),辛亥革命烈士林觉民在临牺牲3天前,在与妻子诀别的《与妻书》中开头这样写道。几十年后,林觉民的事迹被拍成电影《碧血黄花》,由林青霞扮演林妻陈意映。影片是讲述国民革命先烈推翻清王朝的革命历史题裁。历史教师向学生讲解青年节的来由。福建人林觉民(周紹棟 飾)离别结婚不久的爱妻(林青霞 飾),奔赴广州参加革命工作,国民党七十二位烈士在黄克强领导的推翻满清的起义中英勇牺牲,万古流芳,永垂不朽。《碧血黃花》荣获1980年第17届金马奖优等剧情片奖,并获当年第28届亚洲影展最佳导演奖和最佳男演员奖。