回复 :After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner
回复 :演员表: 姜皓文 8两金 顾冠忠 陈仲维 冼灏英 慕沛儿 陈静允 李子明一点红日后与楚留香发展出有一段感情,而在调查其间,楚留香更发现淫水阴姬,与神秘组织有莫大关系,于是深入调查下去,终发现淫水阴姬与蝙蝠宫数有来往,究竟淫水阴姬与蝙蝠宫有何关系
回复 :講述了享受華麗人生的人氣作曲家熙洙(金善英飾)在與前男友激情後被無情抛棄,從此生活态度變得有些随意。某日熙洙在電梯裏與男同事偷情時被主角順恩(邊俊石飾)一名淳樸19歲少年撞見。幾天後熙洙發現順恩和她居然住在同一個小區同一幢樓裏,兩人毫無意外地又在電梯裏相遇,氣氛異常尴尬。與此同時,順恩在撞見香豔場景後對熙洙一直念念不忘。在一次偶然的相遇中,順恩拿到了熙洙的電話号碼,并且撥打了過去,電話接通後又慌亂地挂掉,正當順恩爲自己的行爲感到煩惱時,卻意外地收到熙洙發來的短信,邀請他來家裏做客。表面生活華麗的熙洙内心一直渴望着一份真摯的感情,19歲淳樸少年順恩在熙洙的刻意誘惑下毫無懸念地被征服,成爲熙洙創作的靈感源泉。順恩對熙洙的真誠打動了她,慢慢地熙洙開始對順恩産生了感情,然而此時她的前男友找到了她,在前男友的強迫下,熙洙半推半就地上了床,卻不想被順恩撞見,兩人的感情出現了前所未有的危機。一段風波後,男女主角投入到各自生活中去,卻發現彼此都難以忘記對方,終于順恩找到了熙洙,兩人的感情再一次升華。然而這段感情的結局卻是早已注定的,一番雲雨過後的短暫道别爲這段不華麗的感情畫上了最終的句号。熙洙從感情中獲取到了創作的靈感再次創作出了大受歡迎的歌曲,而順恩在一段時間的傷心後又和女友複合。