回复 :恶霸顾宗武,企图垄断码头搬运生意,唆使手下向朱贵属下工人捣乱,朱贵调解后返家,邀黄飞鸿师徒到肥肥姐姐玉英之酒楼设宴为黄飞鸿接风,黄飞鸿并收小狮子为徒。一日,顾手下因追捕一名逃走少女,与郝镖等众爪牙包围黄飞鸿,拟将众人灭口,飞鸿与小狮子与对方斗智,以绝技将顾等人消灭。
回复 :Jenny是一名年轻的普科医生。一天晚上,在诊所关门后,她听到敲门声却没有开门。第二天,她听说警察在距离诊所不远处,发现了一具身份不明的年轻女孩的尸体。
回复 :A violinist in a provincial Polish orchestra, whose husband is the director of the ensemble, on a visit to the US ties up with the world- renowned symphony conductor. As it turns out he was once in love with violinist's mother. The conductor, a slightly unstable hypochondriac, returns to Poland to lead the provincial orchestra. He also tries to revive old love affair using the violinist as a surrogate of her mother. Her husband is resentful of the conductor for both personal and professional reasons.