电影取材自上万起真实诈骗案例,阿里境外网络诈骗全产业链骇人内幕将在大银幕上首度被揭秘。程序员潘生(张艺兴 饰)、阿里模特安娜(金晨 饰)被海外高薪招聘吸引,出国淘金,却意外落入境外诈骗工厂的陷阱。为了离开,两人准备向赌徒阿天(王大陆 饰)和其女友小雨(周也 饰)下手,从他们身上套现、完成业绩……潘生与安娜能否逃过诈骗集团头目陆经理(王传君 饰)和阿才(孙阳 饰)的残暴折磨?面对警察(咏梅 饰)的跨国调查和追捕,他们又会何去何从?
电影取材自上万起真实诈骗案例,阿里境外网络诈骗全产业链骇人内幕将在大银幕上首度被揭秘。程序员潘生(张艺兴 饰)、阿里模特安娜(金晨 饰)被海外高薪招聘吸引,出国淘金,却意外落入境外诈骗工厂的陷阱。为了离开,两人准备向赌徒阿天(王大陆 饰)和其女友小雨(周也 饰)下手,从他们身上套现、完成业绩……潘生与安娜能否逃过诈骗集团头目陆经理(王传君 饰)和阿才(孙阳 饰)的残暴折磨?面对警察(咏梅 饰)的跨国调查和追捕,他们又会何去何从?
回复 :影片讲述了伊丽莎白·格林卡生命中的一天。格林卡不仅是一名医生,还是一位慈善家和人权运动家,运营着一个名为“公平照护”的基金会。这一天,伊丽莎白正打算和丈夫盖尔布度过两人结婚30周年纪念日,与家人共度美好时光,等待儿子和密友的到来。待办事宜中的最后一件,就是在帕韦列茨基火车站下车,检查基金会发起的人道主义捐赠活动是否顺利举行。然而就在这时,一位父亲因为女儿患有重病而向伊丽莎白求助……丽萨医生的这一天将会如何度过呢?
回复 :In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused of making up their allegations, later they are prosecuted for giving false testimony and sometimes they end up serving prison sentences. ‘Victim/Suspect’ shows how the roles are reversed so the perpetrators are declared innocent while the victims sometimes end up behind bars and other times end their lives. Rae de Leon gets first-hand accounts from the women and interviews legal experts as she delves into police methods, interrogation techniques and preliminary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt system. Nancy Schwartzman charts a law enforcement agency that confuses victims and suspects and is relevant far beyond America’s borders. It is a powerful testimony to systemic failure, police handling of cases and a determined journalist’s attempt to change it.
回复 :女高中生本谷歌子(土屋太凤 饰)天真烂漫,有一次她虚报年龄和好友矢口三门(玉城蒂娜 饰)及其他姐妹参加了联谊活动。酒席上,不善言辞的冷面帅哥佐贺野功太(龟梨和也 饰)帮她解了围,事后借着酒劲儿,功太向身边的女孩表达了希望更进一步交往的想法。可当歌子把真实年龄说出来时,攻太却转热为冷,扬长而去。次日,歌子和好友遭到一名警察的盘问。令歌子她们惊讶的是,对方居然正是佐贺野功太。功太现年23岁,是音尾警察局地域课的巡查长。他刻意和未成年的歌子保持距离,并且警告女孩们要注意附近出没的变态。未过多久,歌子果然遭到变态纠缠。危机时刻,功太出手相助。似乎借着这件事,歌子开始转变对功太无情冷漠的看法,她无可救药落入了爱河之中。本片根据三次真纪的同名漫画改编。