春暖Inspired by true events follows OJ Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson in the last days leading up to her tragic death on June m.77mi.cc 12 1994, as seen from her point of view.
春暖Inspired by true events follows OJ Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson in the last days leading up to her tragic death on June m.77mi.cc 12 1994, as seen from her point of view.
回复 :在一个晴朗舒适的好时节,尼尔瑞家的两兄弟肖恩(巴勃罗·施瑞博尔 Pablo Schreiber 饰)、麦克(亚伦·斯塔顿 Aaron Staton 饰)以及麦克的妻子威特(瑞安·施密特 Wrenn Schmidt 饰)驱车来到某个静谧的自然保护区打猎。这里是两兄弟童年一曾玩耍的地方,而今物是人非,三人和谐融洽的表象下,总有暧昧尴尬的情愫流动。难熬的一天即将结束,他们相继入眠。当第二天醒来时,他们的帐篷、行李、刀枪乃至宠物狗均被人偷走,而且三人的额头上还被画上了叉。麦克怀疑肖恩从中搞鬼,更对哥哥和妻子之间的暧昧表示强烈不满。他们在森林里彷徨无助地寻找归途,殊不知此时自己已经成为他人的猎物……
回复 :迈克尔·佩纳将主演电影版[梦幻岛],饰演剧集版中里卡多·蒙特尔班的角色。原剧包含黑暗主题及超自然元素,讲述太平洋上坐落着一个神秘度假岛屿,人们的各种古怪要求似乎都可以在这里得到满足。本片由杰夫·瓦德洛([海扁王2])自编自导,故事讲述岛上的监工罗尔克警告客人们,他们的幻想可能无法实现。
回复 :A year in the life of a singular family.Sasquatch Sunset is, indeed, an utterly singular filmmaking feat. Deploying a daring approach with ferocious commitment, David and Nathan Zellner’s imaginative work captures quotidian sasquatch life with detail and rigor that is simply unforgettable. The Zellner brothers continue their longstanding contributions to the Sundance catalog w...