国产A bounty hunter named Atticus Gage tracks down criminals in a post-apocalyptic Earth.
国产A bounty hunter named Atticus Gage tracks down criminals in a post-apocalyptic Earth.
回复 :Several young couples travel to a private island for a mysterious training retreat that promises to strengthen their relationship. However, during the Retreat, the heroes encounter an ancient demon - a Succubus. This monster feeds on the life energy of people, taking on someone else's appearance and provoking victims to show the worst qualities and do terrible things.
回复 :影《无枪》由国家新闻出版广电总局电影卫星频道出品、西藏自治区党委宣传部、北京三鸿门文化联合摄制。该片由张欣执导、主演周波,以纪实手法生动刻画了一名常年工作在西藏牧区,与当地牧民有着深厚感情的老警察的坚守和毅力,不畏牺牲与犯罪分子进行艰苦卓绝的斗争,最终将罪犯正法。
回复 :影片故事主要聚焦海明威同其第三任妻子盖尔霍恩的情感纠葛,克里夫·欧文扮演欧内斯特·海明威,妮可·基德曼饰演他的妻子、也是著名的战地记者玛莎·盖尔霍恩。 海明威与玛莎·盖尔霍恩相遇于1936年、一间名为Key West的小酒馆中,他们1940年结婚,在欧洲蜜月旅行期间写出了他的名著《丧钟为谁而鸣》。不过,二人都专注于自己的记者事业,聚少离多让二人于1945年离婚。