回复 :
回复 :江惠娜(尹恩惠 饰)是韩国实力最雄厚的财阀江山集团的唯一继承人。从小过着公主一般锦衣玉食的生活,但由于父母早逝,自小在爷爷严厉的管教下孤独成长的她不知道什么是真正的亲情和友谊,从而造成她蛮横骄纵和以自我中心的个性。徐东灿(尹尚贤 饰),一个为了赚钱当过牛郎的男人。以行骗为生,扛着巨债的他尝尽了人世间的酸甜苦辣。这两个根本就没有交集的男女因为一场小型车祸而相遇,刁蛮公主江惠娜更是因此获得了人生中最大污点——被罚150小时社区服务。正当她要狠狠报复徐东灿时,这个生活在社会最底层的男人却在惠娜爷爷的授意下摇身一变成了她的首席执事。这对欢喜冤家将会擦出怎样的火花,爷爷的良苦用心又会不会成功呢?
回复 :Touching Evil is a 1997 British television drama serial, produced by Anglia Television and screened on the ITV network. It consisted of six fifty-minute (one-hour with adverts) episodes. It was created by Paul Abbott, and written by Abbott with Russell T. Davies. The serial was very popular, and led to two sequel serials in 1998 and 1999, although these were not written by Abbott or Davies.The star was popular actor Robson Green, playing a police officer, DCI Creegan, whose injuries after a shooting leave him with strange abilities to sense criminals. Touching Evil III was co-produced by Green's own independent production company, Coastal Productions. Green's co-star was Nicola Walker, playing Creegan's colleague DI Susan Taylor.