春暖Pain, passion, and love, get a look into the mind of Machine Gun Kelly.
春暖Pain, passion, and love, get a look into the mind of Machine Gun Kelly.
回复 :一部极其感人的纪录电影《积存时间的生活》,日本导演伏原健之拍摄,由日本影后树木希林担任旁白,日本现代陶渊明津端夫妇生活纪录片。藉由津端修一夫妇丰富的生活阅历,一幢深居林间的小屋,探索那些深藏于时间长河中的真正瑰宝。一部极其感人的纪录电影,由新闻工作出身的日本导演伏原健之拍摄,他在三顾茅庐后,终以四封信获得隐居山林建筑师津端修一与英子夫妇点头「我们愿意协助」,开始著手拍摄这部电影。一幢深居林间的小屋,位于日本高藏寺新城的一隅。那是建筑师津端修一、按著其师安东尼雷蒙德自豪的木造住宅所建成的。一年四季景緻万千,庭园栽植的上百种蔬果,经由其妻英子的巧手都成了道道佳餚。不论烹饪、裁缝、耕作,没有一样能难得倒她。他们的家居处处充满体贴与用心,印证建筑大师科比意的名言「房子该是生活的藏宝盒」。津端修一曾任日本住宅公团首席建筑师,60年代便提出保留树林为风开道的理念,希望新的建案都能开始与自然共生,却不为当时以发展经济优先的政策所採纳,徒成一片片了无生气的集合住宅。他于是改从自身做起,不仅放下繁忙工作,并在住宅区购入土地、盖起房屋也种植了林木。在历经半世纪的时光后,两夫妇的勤奋与优雅,果然为这片淨土栽下了无数珍宝...
回复 :IFC Films拿下弗兰克·格里罗、安迪·麦克道威尔、乔治·洛佩兹主演,Conor Allyn执导的[无人之地](No Man’s Land,暂译)北美发行权。该片讲述美国与墨西哥边境守卫比尔·格里尔和他的儿子杰克逊在巡逻中,意外杀死了一名墨西哥男孩,比尔试图承担所有责任,但被德克萨斯州的骑兵拉米雷斯识破。杰克逊不得不往南逃,他穿越沙漠和山脉,以寻求死者父亲的宽恕。该片将于明年北美上映。
回复 :Philippe Clarence, a famous Parisian dressmaker, seduces his friend's fiancee. But, for the 1st time in his life, this is for real. The film is also a sharp picture of the fashion world.A philandering young dress designer plays fast and loose with the hearts of all the fair maidens he encounters, and leaves them in a Paris lurch. But when he meets the fiancée of his best friend, he falls deeply and truly in love with her. The girl is soon faced with two choices; marry the reliable fiancée whom she doesn't love, or run off with the dress designer with whom she is infatuated. She sees that she also has a third option and makes the wise choice...she rejects both. The dress designer is not too well equipped for accepting rejection, and he makes a bad decision.