回复 :Based on a 1924 mystery novel by Agatha Christie, The Man in the Brown Suit was the eighth of Warner Bros. Television's Christie-inspired TV movies. Stephanie Zimbalist stars as an American tourist in Cairo (with Spain standing in for Egypt). She runs across a mysterious murder, and an odd encounter with a stranger; all this occurs even before she sets foot on a luxury liner with an all-suspect passenger manifest. It is established that the murderer, who is after a cache of valuable diamonds, is an internationally notorious criminal--but which one of the passengers is he (or she)? Maybe the villain romantic lead Simon Dutton, the "man in the brown suit" of the title...but don't discount such special guest suspects as Rue McClanahan and Tony Randall.
回复 :中年的高宫利一辞掉了在东京压抑的工作,回到老家新泻做一名长途通宵巴士司机,开始全新的生活。一天晚上,他刚要发车的时候,十六年前跟他离婚的前妻加贺美雪上了车。他后来了解到,她在东京组建了新的家庭,这次回来是要去看独自住在新泻的生病的父亲。但是他看出了她的疲惫。高宫利一和加贺美雪有两个孩子。而他自己也在考虑与在东京开餐馆的女友古井志穗结婚。不过这次偶遇让他开始重新思考自己的人生。同时,他的儿子和女儿也在经历着人生中的转折点。
回复 :Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.