回复 :中情局探员卡门来到神秘的地下监狱,审问一名可穿越时空的恐怖份子,他声称自己已经犯下一连串恐怖攻击,将陆续发生。卡门的任务便是厘清前任审讯员为何离奇死亡,卡门心知这一切的答案将扯出更大疑问:这名囚犯的身份真假?目的又是什么?时间一分一秒流逝,卡门和囚犯展开心理角力,胜利者将改写未来…
回复 :宅男游戏设计师杭远(杜江 饰),从小就暗恋同校才女李若欣(薛凯琪 饰),可每次要表白的时候她都已进入了新恋情。李若欣最后一段感情被未婚夫背叛,不再相信男人,转而与闺蜜Sammi(李媛 饰)越走越近。杭远顿时万念俱灰,于是富二代“好基友”林森森(陈学冬 饰)提议他做最后一搏,想方设法接近若欣,大胆追求所爱。阴差阳错下,杭远竟成为了网络红人,一时间风光无限。 但是好景不长,若欣很快识破了他们的“计谋”。他该如何挽回和女神的破裂的关系,并成功和她在一起呢?
回复 :A heavy summer storm brings a touring horse circus to Kaltenbach, the stud farm where Ari now calls home. Ari finds friendship in the circus boy Carlo and gets introduced to the fascinating world of trick riding. Soon Ari notices that the show horse Hurricane, aging and injured, is still being forced to perform by the cruel circus director Yiri. Ari and Carlo enlist Ari’s faithful black stallion Windstorm in a plan to save Hurricane, but Yiri has other plans which will endanger Windstorm. It will require some last minute help from Mika to save both magnificent creatures.