回复 :Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
回复 :影片以2009年震惊韩国的“张紫妍事件”为蓝本,揭露了演艺届、政界“性贿赂”这一丑陋的社会现象,是一部将现实事件和虚构故事相结合的纪事风影片。“她”香消玉殒,“她”的死撕开了娱乐圈的光鲜表皮。一个女明星的死亡令整个社会哗然,寻着她离去的轨迹,一幅幅丑陋的面孔和事件浮出水面。调查该案件的热血警察和女检察官逐渐深入到事件的敏感核心,却收到来自现实各个方面的压力,困阻重重。真相即将曝光,由此而起的风波也来势凶猛……
回复 :After a young private escaped from the military field, he unfortunately met a skillful lost ranger who then forced him to return to the mountain to help other rangers in the war.