回复 :果仁大盗袭击卡比时激起了小光内在的正义感,奈何一个小学生又怎能对抗一个身形魁梧,手上装有特制果仁枪的果仁大盗。幸好卡比在危急关头给小光一件秘密武器,电击小子诞生!
回复 :In the oggliest adventure of all time, the Oggly family arrives at the municipal rubbish dump of Smelliville. The Ogglies are looking for a new home, but they never feel really welcome anywhere. They stink and are for most humans just a tad too oggly. When Firebottom, the family dragon, crash-lands on the run-down rubbish tip of the small town of Smelliville, the Ogglies at once feel at home. And it's here they want to stay.
回复 :进到宝石盒子里的叶罗丽战士们能打破记忆封印吗?浮云楼仙境银行里有什么秘密?被困在镜中世界的金王子,齐娜、菲灵、莫纱、荒石,又会如何呢?火领主自由了吗?辛灵仙子会复活吗?又会发生什么新的奇遇呢?黑衣人到底是谁?女王的真实目的是什么?灵公主为什么囚禁火领主?人类世界会和平吗?